5 underrated employee sourcing strategies

Pooja Kadam
2 min readFeb 4, 2021

Recruiters are amazing at using boolean searches and using other sourcing strategies to find candidates. Additionally, these are some methods that have worked for me:

  • Create Community Chain: Ask talented people to introduce you to talented people they know. My personal favorite question: Who are the most talented people you know that we should hire? Bonus: It is ok if these talented folks aren’t currently looking out, stay in touch with them, further, ask them talented people they know and build a community chain.
  • Reach out to Recruiter/ Hiring Manager friends from other organizations who are hiring for similar roles. Some people go through a bad day and get rejected in the last few discussions. Bonus: We know these people are looking out.
  • Take the help of the team/ Founders to reach out to people via email/ social network: Senior hiring should be targeted hiring. If the team is growing super fast, make sure everyone in the team is spending dedicated % of their time reaching out to the network, personally.
  • Technology hiring specific: Came across neogcamp that Tanay Pratap is building and has been working with Abhimanyu Saxena who is building Scaler Academy. They have amazing courses built for enthusiastic programmers who are made job-ready, specifically.
  • Consider keeping in touch with people who have backed out earlier or whom we have interviewed in the past, but, things didn’t work out because of compensation/ location, etc. Let’s see if either of the parties has changed their mind. Now that most of the teams have started working remotely, look at the database and figure who wasn’t open to relocate and reach out to them with the opportunity.

And like always, open to know something that has worked for you and is underrated by other teams. Would love to give it a try.



Pooja Kadam

I love hiring, have been doing for startups since last 7years. Reading is my escapism. Ideas and imagination excite me, I read and manifest. ;)